Friday, November 29, 2019

Why the Best Writers Should Write Every Day

People often assume that the best writers have a natural talent for producing great works on demand. But as anyone does it for a living knows, that’s simply not the case most of the time. Writing is a process and it takes a lot of practice and hard work to stay proficient. That’s why one thing that most of the best writers have in common is that they write every day. Insights from Writing Giants The writer of Charlotte’s Web, E.B. White, once said in an interview that he tries not to let his environment interfere with his writing: â€Å"A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.† Ernest Hemingway and Kurt Vonnegut always wrote early every morning. Today, many prolific writers do the same. They don’t wait for the â€Å"right moment† to write, they just write, often early in the morning before other daily tasks take over. When you get into the habit of writing every day, it becomes a part of your routine and strengthens your writing prowess. You could write for a full seven consecutive hours in one day, but writing for an hour every day of the week is probably a better approach. It strengthens your discipline as a writer and is less likely to lead to burn out. Like physical exercise, frequency – not quantity – is more effective in the long run. The Many Benefits of Daily Writing Clears Your Mind You don’t only have to write pieces that are meant to be published – they can just be fun notes for yourself. The process of writing is a great way to reduce stress and unclog your mind. Once your thoughts are put on the page or screen, you free up your mind to be more creative or be able to focus on new ideas. Sharpens Your Writing Skills The ability to communicate clearly and effectively deteriorates without practice. Writing frequently will improve your vocabulary and the flow of your writing so that you can communicate more concisely. Developing a writing schedule will help you preserve important writing time. It will also encourage you to streamline your daily schedule to maximize your writing output. Eliminates Writer’s Block When we struggle to write, it’s often because we’re afraid of writing badly. This feeling can increase if you haven’t written for a few days. But the trick is to just write – no matter how â€Å"badly† – and edit it later. As writer Jodi Picoult said: â€Å"You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.† Write for Yourself The great thing about writing every day is that it doesn’t necessarily have to be for someone else – you can write whatever you want. Here are a few ideas on what you can write for fun. The Morning Purge First thing in the morning, write down anything and everything that comes into your head. Don’t edit as you go, just dump all your thoughts onto the page. It helps to clear your mind, lift your mood and begin your day with a clean slate. Love It, Hate It Pick an object or an activity and write about it from the perspective of absolutely loving it. Then write about it as though you really hate it. For example, write about how much you love television and then write about why you really don’t like it. Explore Your Senses Think of an object and try to describe it using all your five senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. It doesn’t matter if you can’t literally sense it – just use words to best describe the imagined sensation. For example: â€Å"The sun’s light burns my eyes. Its light waves smell like burning coals upon my face. When I touch its surface, the heat throbs through my veins, I can hear the dry leaves cracking under its heat and the air around me tastes likes cardboard on my tongue.† A Different Perspective Flash Fiction Write a short story using around 250 words. It must contain a beginning, middle and end – but make every word count. Boil the story down to its essence by removing anything that doesn’t add to the mood, reveal character, advance the plot or make the reader care. To help you get into the habit of writing daily, remember: Commit to it. Once or twice a week is too infrequent to help you form a habit. No excuses, just write something every day! Set aside time to write, at a regular time that works best for you. Start small. Even 100 words are something. You can always increase the word count over time. Eliminate distractions. Put your phone on silent. Close your Internet browser. Just sit down, or stand up, and write. Keep on Writing Good writing comes from practice and hard work. Even the greatest writers take years to develop their skills. However, the one thing they all have in common is that they keep on writing, through thick and thin. Day after day. If you’re struggling with writing, remember that the more you do it, the better you’ll become. Regular writing will not only reduce your fear of the blank page but also help you develop your style and your writing capacity.

Monday, November 25, 2019

buy custom Equal Voting Rights essay

buy custom Equal Voting Rights essay Firestone succinctly describes the torturous journey that characterized the radical quest for the recognition of womens rights (2). The leaders of the movement wanted special attention to be given to women just as it was given to matters of race, color and servitude history. The radical leaders worked tirelessly to collect signatures as well as convince fellow women and likeminded people to work towards the noble course. This entailed moving from door to door, and from one town to the next, while at the same time bearing the blunt of meager funds and logistical challenges. Among those spearheaded the movement includes Elizabeth Candy and Susan Antony, who were delegates to National Labor Union Convention in 1868. At this time, efforts to mobilize female labor into associations that could fight for their rights had not yet recorded any signs of success. The association of the Womens Rights Movement (WRM) with Abolitionist Movement is what made it attain its militant attributes. The leaders of the movement were women who had lost their civil rights by virtue of getting married. In fact, the legal structure of the country had declared them dead upon marriage. Those who maintained their civil rights are those who chose not to marry. Even for these one, the ride was not smooth since they had no right to even sign their own wills. After divorce, women could not have custody of the children that they had sired during the marriage. The radical nature of the WRM can best be understood in the context of prevailing circumstances thatwomen were exposed to economically, socially and politically. Women were not allowed to attend school or college. One had to depend on a little knowledge of this skill or the other, often acquired in informal settings, for sustenance. The militarization of the feminist movements was closely linked to the anti-slavery sentiments that had been expressed for many years. Through the work of Abolitionist Movement enabled women to become aware of their rights, to understand the slavery that they had been living in. The political power that the WRM acquired through militant-like agenda was threatening to tear the country into pieces. For this reason, the political class had to pause and listen to the inequality sentiments that angered women throughout the country. The prevailing system seemed incapable of pretending to be democratic any more. It is amazing that feminine sentiments were aired for the first time during the civil war although women were easily persuaded to pursue other cause. If they had not been persuaded, the WRM history would have acquired a completely different history. The American reactionary forces had a strong influence such that without some element of militancy that reminded these forces of the civil war, womens rights concerns would not have gotten any attention in either the congress or House of Representatives. According to Catt, it took women 52 years of endless campaigns in order to have instances of the word male deleted from the American constitution. (44) During this time, 56 referenda were carrie4d outt, 480 campaigns were conducted in order to have legislatures submit suffrage amendments right to where voters were. 47 more campaigns were conducted in order to facilitate the process through which woman suffrage was written in state constitutions. In order for women suffrage planks to be obtained, 277 campaigns in support of party conventions were held (45) Friedman is of the view that contrary to popular beliefs, male chauvinism was not the main motivation for the cause of Womens Rights Movement, although it was a contributing factor (19). However, the influence of male chauvinism became more critical when the underlying forces, all of them constituted by men, worked towards suppressing the Womens Rights Movement. During the 19th century and before, the right for men to rule was so entrenched, absolute and unquestionable that even men took it for granted. It was as the Divine Right of Kings had been at one point in history of western civilization. After all, the laws of the land sanctioned it. Anyone calling for the mildest form of reform could not win through any other means short of militancy. The politics of the Womens Rights Movement took radical approach right from the beginning, in the mid-19th century, thanks to memberships of its leaders in temperance and abolitionist movements. Anti-suffrage forces were ready battle the abolitionists by all means necessary aware of this fact, the feminists had to take on a militant approach in order to assert their determination to fight for their right place in the American society. Buy custom Equal Voting Rights essay

Friday, November 22, 2019

Artist Antonio Martorrell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Artist Antonio Martorrell - Essay Example His writing career is quiet brilliant and precise at the same time. He wrote La piel de la memoria that came under translation by Andrew Hurley as ‘Memory’s Tattoo’ and ‘El libro dibujado’5 meaning the drawn book. Presently, he is a regular columnist for Escenario that is a section of El Vocero, Puerto Rican newspaper6. His accomplishments as an artist are quite plenty. Winner of Bienal de Arte de San Juan, he has provided illustrations to many authors like ‘Alma Rosa Flor, Heraclio Cepeda, Nicholasa Mohr, and Pura Belprà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢7. One of his illustrated books, ‘ABC de Puerto Rico’ was later confronting burning under the governance of Carlos Romero Barcelà ³ by the Educational Department of Puerto Rico. In November 2006, Antonio’s house faced burns leading to a loss of thousands of dollars worth of artifacts. He currently runs workshops in Ponce and New York. Antonio Diaz-Royo’s biography, ‘Martorell: the Adventure of Creation’8 is the most elaborate work on Antonio Martorell’s life to date and an ovation to his terrific contribution to the world of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Political Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Political Philosophy - Essay Example ers like others in their times thought deeply about the role of the rulers who were at that time Kings and Queens and whether hereditary rights alone are enough to govern. This reflected in their works on property and man’s right to own property as well as the kind of contract that man had with state in such matters. In this paper, I draw upon the works of these three thinkers to assess their contribution to the issue of private property and man’s right to own such property as well as the fact that we might not have such rights at all. These three thinkers represent different bands in the spectrum about the issue and hence their contributions are worth comparing and contrasting to arrive at an understanding of what their views about the issue were. Among all the three thinkers, Locke was the most vocal exponent of man’s right to own property and the role of the state in facilitating such rights. However, Locke’s views were nuanced as far as owning private property was concerned. For instance, Locke held the view that since we are free in our movements and are owners of our bodies, so, any efforts that we put in to â€Å"pour ourselves† into improving natural objects like land must necessarily belong to us as we have invested significant time and energy in making the land worthwhile for human use. The way in which Locke proposed this in The Second Treatise on Government is by alluding to the investment of labor that one does to improve the land for the use by all. To cite Locke, â€Å"The same principle of appropriation by the investment of labor can be extended to control over the surface of the earth as well, on Lockes view. Individuals who pour themselves into the land—improving its productivity by spending their own time and effort on its cultivation—acquire a property interest in the result. (2nd Treatise  §32) The plowed field is worth more than the virgin prairie precisely because I have invested my labor in plowing it; so even if the prairie was

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dell Computers - Supply and Demand Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Dell Computers - Supply and Demand - Assignment Example Consumers have an option of purchasing cheaper products because there are numerous suppliers in the market. Moreover, the monopoly force is low within the industry. Customer service affects demand especially within an industry that is experiencing stiff rivalries. This is because customers are likely to purchase from industries that offer satisfactory services. Consequently, elements such as online services and convenient procedures have the potential of affecting the demand of Dell’s products. Lastly, an improved economy leading to increased consumer income would increase the demand of Dell’s products (Mankiw, 2011). The main factors affecting the supply of Dell products include state of technology, political disturbance, the future price level, and the price of related products (Mankiw, 2011). Technological development is likely to reduce the cost of production as manufactures utilize economical and efficient procedures. This enhances production rates, which increases supplies. Furthermore, political disturbances affect supplies because they affect the product’s production and distribution. Political instabilities discourage the production and distribution of products causing a decrease in supplies (Frank & Bernanke, 2012). Future expectation of increase prices leads to shortages in supplies because distributors are likely to hold products. Lastly, changes in the prices of other related products may increase or decrease the supplies of Dell’s products depending on the relationship (Mankiw,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Key Issues Influencing Localization Commerce Essay

Key Issues Influencing Localization Commerce Essay The speed at which international business takes place has increased substantially and international managers need to react more quickly to economic, strategic and organizational imperatives than in the past as it is more costly to make mistakes today. The cost of reversing a decision due to the speed of international business makes making such mistakes extremely costly as while firms fix problems, competitors surge ahead. Standardization of MNCs is usually defined as standardization of subsidiaries towards following in line with HQ practices. Successful chains such as Mc Donalds have standardized products and management practices across the world and at the same time allowing for a local adaptation to the practices to suit local needs. Most MNCs commonly localize their marketing, promotion and distribution practices even though they have a global advertising strategy. Integration/responsiveness debate cannot be resolved by declaring one position more important that the other (Bartlet t Goshal). To be truly successful in the globalized world, MNC are required to balance between the two. Multinational companies must decide whether to manage their subsidiaries based on local culture or to make them all in line with the global standardization and decide which route is more effective and efficient for them. MNCs have considerable advantages compared to local based companies as they have previous experience from home countries and managerial knowledge and spread best practices around the world (Martin Beaumont, 1998). Host countries however pose several new factors that managers must consider to counterbalance the effect of standardization (Quintanilla and Ferner, 2003). Changes in the strategic orientation of MNCs as reflected in increased levels of interdependencies between organizational (sub-) units will thus rely on IHRM to help achieve this balance. HR management is considered to be the most sensitive to local context (Gooderham et al. 1999). Pressures to adopt global strategies require higher level of global intergration of key HRM -processes. Many MNCs have moved towards more deeply integrating these HRM practices but face resistance due to local culture, legislation and tradition (Lindohlm et al. 1999). Different approaches to HRM in MNCs are closely related to international strategies of the firm (Downling et a. 1999; Scullion 1999). For example, companies with an ethnocentric approach grant little power to their foreign subsidiaries and key positions are fulfilled with PNC nationals, i.e expatriates. For example, Aeons key staff in Malaysia are fulfilled by Japanese expatriates. On the other hand companies with polycentric approaches allow major decisions to be made by local employees and key positions are held by local staff. This leads to more localized solutions in the HRM. Regiocentric and geocentric approaches are simi lar where key positions and solutions are decided by staff of the same region or location. The key issue is the extent to which MNCs should take their global integration (standardization) versus local responsiveness. International management is complicated due to the dimensions involved and the difficult issues of strategy formulation and implementation. Multinational managers however need to identify the opportunities hidden in the complexities of such international situations. This paper will be divided into two parts, the first examines the key issues that influence the degree of localization. Secondly, the paper examines global strategies towards increasing global standardization of HRM while balancing localization so as not to compromise local responsiveness. In both parts, the paper will go examine the role HRM plays towards achieving standardization and localization. Thirdly, it will examine situations of when best to move towards localization rather than standardization and vice versa. 2.0 Key issues influencing localization Distinct local culture and motivation for local employees may not be similar to that of the home country making it difficult to apply similar incentives and expect the same outcome. Hofstede described national culture as the collective mental programming which distinguishes one nation from another. The issue is how much influence cultural differences would bring to the workplace. Different approaches towards collectivism and individualistic cultures, according to Hofstedes will create a number of negotiation points for managers to consider. Some cultures are individualistic where working as an individual is more appreciates whereas some are collectivist. Human resource management has aspects that are legally and culturally determined by the host country but is still responsible for the strategy and implementation plan (Stone, 2008). It therefore must determine what sort of strategy would work in the host country. For example, in Hong Kong as a measure of reducing staff turnover, HRM offered a $1000 increment towards a dental plan, as a result the companys turnover reduced by 4% (Medland, 2004). While such a proposition may not work across other countries, it indicates that managers need to be aware of the different motivations in different countries and why pay and work conditions should not be standardized in MNCs. Research needs to be done to identify motivations similar to the dental work scheme in Hong Kong. There are three different perspectives for understanding diversity: the cultural perspective, the institutional perspective and the network perspective (Evans et al. 2002). In the cultural perspective, individuals are cultured through a socialization process where they instill values and beliefs with which he uses to interpret the world also known as mental programming (Hofstede 1985). It is therefore inappropriate to take management practices developed in one culture and apply them on another and expect the same results (Hofstede, 1985). Cultural differences need to be taken into account, as some of these practices may not be well received in the new subsidiary. Members of that subsidiary may view these kind of practices as unusual and it may not be well received and lead to unexpected consequences hindering a subsidiarys performance. From the cultural perspective extensive global standardization of HRM-practices, will not be an easy fit between organizational practices and the loca l culture. However, the cultural perspective does not take into account the ability of people from different cultures adapting to foreign practices (Evans et al. 2002). The institutional perspective takes a broader view of the national context where it identifies that the key to understanding business in a foreign country lies in the correlations between financial, education, legal, economic, and political systems (Evans et al. 2002). The extents to which MNCs are able to implement their global standards are closely tied to the nature of these institutions. For example, the relative strength or weakness of these institutions in exerting influence on the ability of an MNC to import its own approaches to HRM. This is often the case when MNCs try to put expatriates in key positions leaving local staff in the more menial positions. Often these institutions will exert influence and move towards forcing MNCs to train or employ staff to fill such positions. The network perspective indicates that MNCs are not only influenced by the social norms and cultures of their home country but also by industry standards (Evans et al. 2002). This influences the amount of standardization able to be implemented by MNCs or forces them to provide such standardization. The cultural and institutional perspective help identify the localization needs within the HRM-function; the network perspective identifies the role of interorganizational networks in defining the nature of industries and organizational practices. Key reasons for a localization approach within HRM include issues such as being responsive to the local authorities and institutions. Keeping up with public opinion by providing benefits to the local populace such as job opportunities and providing a higher level of organizational commitment among locals are also prime reasons for localization of HRM practices (Evans et al 2002). However, there are often problems with this as finding suitable candidates with the necessary skills may prove difficult. For example in China, a major problem is the lack of suitable candidates given a shortage of finding mid-level and top-level leadership.[1].Plessis.pdf 3.0 Global strategies toward increasing global standardization A major issue that international managers face is forces that require both local responsiveness and global integration of subsidiaries with the overall structure of an MNE. MNEs must find ways to combine their firm-specific capabilities with local knowledge to create the best value proposition to suit the local culture and its needs. Some subsidiaries have created a layer where they have been isolated from the overall structure of an MNE that it is unlikely to cooperate and share knowledge with other units of the MNE. This is particularly the case where subsidiaries have competed with each other for resources from headquarters which promote inter-unit rivalry (Fairclough and Boussebaa, 2010). MNes need to make use of the strengths of its internal network set up across its subsidiaries. Managers have to incentivize compatibility among internal agents and incentivize coordination between its internal agents. The challenge for international managers is to foster a sense of coopetition b etween these subsidiaries and designing control structure to implement to foster this relationship. If designed incorrectly, these structures have the potential to create a conflict of interest in the subsidiary, causing it to focus its resources to its own benefit rather than that of its parent company (Clark and Geppert, 2010). To create value, parties or units cannot act in isolation. They have to recognize their interdependence (LAdo, Boyd Hanlon, 1997). Within a multinational enterprise, inter unit coopetition occurs where cooperation and competition occur simultaneously as subsidiaries are enticed or enforced to collaborate but encounter conflicts arising from competing for the limited resources offered by the parent. Even within the same parent umbrella, subsidiaries rarely share similar interest in all aspects as a result of rivalrous pressures from heightened local responsiveness and national adaptation particularly for MNEs emphasizing on multidomestic strategies. Therefo re, managers need to create a flow of the sharing of knowledge and cooperation so that subsidiaries can leverage on the distinct core competencies of other subsidiaries. Interest in a standardization approach has been increasing due to the globalization. Global integration has become more popular and is becoming a necessity in a number of markets to stay competitive where decentralized strategies were more popular previously (Evans et al. 2002). Using a global strategy approach has several drawbacks; the main weakness is the weakness in the firms ability to respond to the changes in the market (Evans et al. 2002). Creating harmony between global strategy and national response is inevitable (Hammerly, 1992). There has to be balance between standardization versus the localization as fully localizing a subsidiary does not make full use of the core competencies and skills that an MNC should leverage on to separate itself from the local competition. A critical method of doing so is to determine what belongs to the core of the organization and what does not. This will enable firms to integrate global activities appropriately and also adapt local activities efficiently. This core should be replicated throughout the firms subsidiaries worldwide. Global standardization does not mean the synchronizing all areas of a firms business, but may be limited to a certain product, function or value chain segment. Therefore, while adopting a global strategy, MNCs still have the option of changing particular areas within the operations so that they do not disrupt the culture of the organization while still being able to keep their core competencies. Giving power to the subsidiary also helps the MNC keep the standardization of the key sectors of the business while allowing subsidiaries to make decisions that need local adaptation. For example, looking at KFC in China, it can be observed that the power to make changes by the subsidiary has allowed them to take a considerable lead in comparison with its competitors. They allowed an adaptation to the market for its menu to better suit the local tastes, however they maintained the core elements of the b usiness which is the supply chain and the business model. The development of international HRM can be divided into a four-phase organizational life cycle (Adler and Ghadar, XXXX).The central idea is that firms should find the best fit between their environment, strategy and human resource policies. The following summarizes some of the suggested links between the phases of internationalization and HRM. Phase Description Domestic Foreign markets served by exporting unchanged products. No real international HRM International Products developed to fit local needs. Expatriates fill general management and important posts in subsidiaries. Locals occupy roles which need understanding of local conditions. Multinational Worldwide coordination used to achieve economies of scale. Selection focuses on best person for international management roles. Aim is to develop a management corps who shares organizational values to help achieve integration. Management development is the spearhead of International HRM. Global High quality at minimal cost through global integration and local responsiveness This analysis shows the flow of how an MNE develops its understanding of international HRM, the focus of HRM shifts from the management of expatriates to the development of international management. This highlights the role in which HRM plays in developing individuals within the company so they build up a bank of knowledge from exposing these individuals to trips to overseas subsidiaries (Kamoche, 1997). This indicates the role of HRM in developing individuals so that they are able to experience different work cultures and be able to adapt. Having experienced these work cultures of different subsidiaries prepares the expatriates for culture shock and being able to work in different work cultures. This allows them to better facilitate standardization as they would understand the practices that would be best accepted in that particular culture after being exposed to it. 4.0 Levels of standardization vs localization In order to be globally competitive, MNCs must make the decision of when to best make changes to the subsidiaries in terms of the level of standardization and localization. The following points will discuss the issue. Companies must ensure that they focus on the core competencies and replicate these core competencies across its subsidiaries as they are key to separating themselves from their competitors. Without this unique trait, there will be little to differentiate themselves from their competitors and may be detrimental to the success of the company. In this highly competitive market, it allows competitors the opportunity to gain market share. Therefore, when core competencies are being considered, MNCs need to use standardization. This makes full use of the very core strengths that identify a company as a leader within an industry. However, the term core competencies should be used selectively and consider that not everything within a company should not be considered a core comp etencies. Whenever core competencies are not involved and when subsidiaries have a need to adapt to specific local cultures or institutional circumstances in order to be successful in the particular field, then MNCs should consider allowing firms to conduct localization. There are several schools of thought that propose several strategies towards the degree to which MNCs should standardize or localize. Some alternatives are provided to balance between the extremes of fully localizing the company or standardizing it. (1) The adaptation strategy where a basic strategy is is adapted to meet market forces and needs but never to the degree of a localized strategy. This means that the marketing mix is only changed to a certain extent and adjusted to the local situation when needed (Hovell Walters, 1972) (2) Sub global strategy where clustering foreign markets into groups which are more or less similar and standardizing them according to region (Hovell Walters). (3) Worldwide segmentation strategy where customer segments exist worldwide and can be offered a standardized product (Fatt, 1967) An example of this would be Coca Cola and Apples worldwide segment. (4) Combination and mixed strategies where global companies can offer both worldwide strategies and local strategies to benefit from both (Hovell Walters, 1972). Another opinion posed by Quelch Hoff is that firms are able to standardize global strategy up to a certain degree and upon which they adapt marketing strategies to suit local differences (Quelch Hoff, 1986). This is more visible when viewed from a marketing strategies basic components of the 6ps: product, price, place, promotion, power and people (Kotler, 1986). Each marketing component can have its own standardization and at the same time still be tailored to suit local needs. For example, in terms of price, having a standardized product across all subsidiaries but altering price to suit the local markets price points is a common practice within MNCs such as PG. Companies like Unilever, Nestle, Proctor and Gamble follow a mixed approach. They have standardized offerings in terms of their brands, but they blend and adapt their 4Ps to suit the needs of the local culture. Their offerings are generally standardized but t he implementation strategy local ( Penrose, E. 1959. The Theory of the Growth of the Firm. New York: Oxford University Press BBC. (2010). BBC Persian. Retrieved 10 3, 2010, from Unilever. (2010). Introduction to Unilever. Retrieved 2010, from Unilever: Hofstede, G. (1980) Cultures Consequences: International Differences in Work-related Values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Lais Of Marie De France :: essays research papers

Literary/Analytical Essay “Romeo and Juliet is a play about two silly, immature teenagers who lack common sense. Therefore, the play expresses the danger of a love in which two people become the whole world to one another.'; To what extent do you agree or disagree? The story of Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. The two lovers go against their families and against their hate to be together but they don’t think about the consequences, which in the end are devastating.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Romeo and Juliet engage in a love that they believe is the one true love. They don’t even know each other and don’t know each others personality so they can only be attracted sexually. Instead of taking things slowly and getting to know each other or on the other hand engage in a type of relationship just to satisfy each others desires they act like they have known each other for a long time and that they can’t live one without the other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the start of the play we see that Romeo is in love with Roseline and that he only talks about her but when he meets Juliet at the party he totally forgets Roseline and falls in love with Juliet. Friar Laurence clearly states this to Romeo: “Is Rosaline, whom thou didst love so dear, so soon forsaken? Young men’s love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes';. This is exactly how Romeo behaves. Juliet on the other hand had to marry Count Paris so her love with Romeo is simply a way to get out of it. She never had a relationship with a man and she didn’t like to have her first and only relationship with a man her parents arranged for her. She wanted freedom and Romeo was her ticket to it. During the story Romeo and Juliet convince them selves to be in love with each other and they become obsessed, not with the love for each other, but with the fact of being in love with each other.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mandatory HIV/AIDS testing for Pregnant Woman

Today, anti retroviral therapies are being developed by several manufacturers, in a bid to finally be able to reduce the number of instances of the transmission of HIV from mother to child. The drug AZT, for example, has been successful at bringing the rate of such direct transmissions down, and this has given rise to a widespread feeling that if testing of pregnant women for the presence of the dreaded AIDS virus were to be made mandatory, then perhaps many lives could be saved. It must be remembered that before the year 1994, when AIDS became renowned for its impact on the human body, not much was known about the disease, often referred to as ‘the scourge of modern man’, and nothing at all was known about the transmission of this disease from a mother to her unborn child.It was in late 1994 that an American clinical trial known as ‘ACTG 076’ was able to prove the assumption that when a drug AZT was administered to a HIV positive pregnant woman, and also to her child immediately after its birth, it was able to lower the rate of transmission from a high of 25 % to a low of 8 %. The trial was based on the fact that the pregnant woman had to be given the drug during her pregnancy, during her labor, during her delivery, and for the newborn baby during his first six weeks of life.Immediately after the results of this trial were published, the US Public Health Service recommended that all HIV positive pregnant women must be given the drug, especially to those women who demonstrated a likelihood of developing the disease. This was to include women who had never taken drugs of any kind against HIV AIDS. The administration of the drug, of course, involved an invasion of the woman’s basic privacy, and this was something that created a stir at the time. Such invasion of privacy was not to be tolerated.   (Yovetich)As stated earlier, making HIV testing mandatory for a pregnant woman, in the hope that the woman’s unborn child could be given a better and more productive and disease free life was not as simple an issue as it may have sounded at the time. There was much opposition from several different quarters. The main reason for the opposition was that the woman’s private life would be exposed, as HIV was a disease that was clothed in much secrecy, and it still is today. Defenders of privacy of a human being fought a long war to oppose mandatory testing of all pregnant women for the dreaded AIDS/HIV virus.To test a woman against her will, and then inform her that she had AIDS, and that she must take the drug so that her unborn child would not develop the disease would be a rather intrusive method to follow, felt privacy defenders, even if such testing meant that the risk of transmission to others would be reduced, and many lives could be saved in the future. However, the several advances in science through the years until today have prompted many individuals to reconsider the issue today.Several peopl e ask themselves today, are the potential benefits of mandatory testing for AIDS/HIV in some contexts outweighing the privacy interests? Or, on the other hand, is such an invasion of privacy completely justified if the unborn child could be saved from a life of disease and eventual death?It must be noted that several experiments and trials have been able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that when a pregnant woman is tested for AIDS, and it is found that she is HIV positive, and she is then offered the drug that would combat the transmission of the disease to her unborn child, and she takes up the offer, then the chances of the unborn fetus being born with full blown AIDS would be reduced dramatically.Statistics have revealed that such therapy would successful bring down the rate of transmission from a high of a one on four chance, to a one in fifty chance. Such evidence has prompted a rash of proposals on the part of the governments to make the testing of HIV/AIDS mandatory for a pregnant woman. To date, it must be noted that only the legislatures of New York and Connecticut have been able to sanction mandatory programs that would impose HIV tests on a pregnant woman, without her consent, wherein she would be able to turn down the ‘offer of testing’ put forth to her.Although it may be true that at first glance, one would not be able to understand why anyone would wish to turn down an offer to save their unborn child, it is indeed a fact that science today has not yet advanced so far as to absolutely guarantee that the young pregnant woman would not pass on the disease to her child, like for example, statistics are able to prove that even if a pregnant woman has no medication at all for her AIDS, she still has only a one in four chance of transmitting the virus to her unborn child.This is because of the simple fact that a mother transmits the disease to her child during the process of delivery, which is the time when the infant would be exposed t o the blood of his mother, without the protection of the umbilical cord that has connected him to his mother all the nine months. In other words, statistics prove that intra-uterine transmission, that is, transference of the virus before delivery, of AIDS to the unborn infant is quite rare, and it does not take place in one out of four cases. AIDS and HIV can also be transmitted to the child after its birth, through breast feeding.Furthermore, it is important to remember that when an infant is born to an HIV-positive mother, HIV-antibody tests carried out on the newborn will always turn out to be positive, for the simple reason that the baby has would have inherited the HIV antibodies of its mother automatically during the birth and delivery processes, and this cannot be taken to mean that the newborn is infected with AIDS and HIV. In these cases, the antibodies that the baby has inherited would stay in his body for the first few months of his life, after which it would be replaced with his own. If the HIV testing is done on the infant at this stage, it would reveal the actual status of the child, rather than if it were to be done immediately after birth, which would often mislead the persons involved.     (The ACLU on HIV testing of pregnant women and newborns 2001)It is a sad fact indeed that the data on AIDS in America and in Canada indicated that almost 766 out of 824 pregnant and HIV infected women from twenty five states of the United States of America were aware of their HIV status much before their deliveries, yet there are about 280 to 370 peri-natal HIV transmissions in the country, every year. Researchers and scientists state repeatedly that the only way in which to control this dismal state of affairs would be to make HIV/AIDS testing mandatory for pregnant woman, despite opposition from several quarters.In Canada, for example, three different HIV testing approaches have been assayed, and medical records and relevant data have shown without dou bt that the so called ‘opt-in’ or voluntary testing approach, in which a pregnant woman is offered pre-HIV test counseling, and must give her consent voluntarily to an HIV test is generally related with lower testing rates than the ‘opt-out’ voluntary testing approach, in which the woman, who has had HIV/AIDS counseling, may choose to refuse HIV testing. As a matter of fact, even the mandatory newborn HIV testing approach proved to be ineffective, and the testing rates were much lower than expected, although they were better than the ‘opt-in’ testing method. (HIV testing among pregnant women, United States and Canada 1998 to 2001 2002)Today, with the governments across the world, especially in developed countries responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, women seem to be at the center of all the attention, and increasingly, global efforts at AIDS prevention seem to center on women, especially pregnant women who may transmit the dreaded AIDS virus to their unborn child, either before or after delivery. Most governments are taking advantage of the fact that medicines and drugs are available today, which would be able to effectively block the transmission of the virus to an infant, and these governments are using the drugs to make sure that the AIDS virus would not spread far and wide. One such government initiative is the ‘PMTCT Program’, or the ‘Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Program’.It must be stated here that although the benefits of this and other similar programs may be tremendous, it is very important that the government takes into consideration the experiences of a pregnant woman who lives with AIDS, and the trauma that she undergoes as a direct result. The government must also learn to adopt a human rights perspective when it deals with a pregnant woman, and issues that concern her privacy. As a matter of fact, several governments seem to have forgotten, state human rights personnel , about the woman with AIDS, so keen are they on the prevention of the transmission of AIDS to the unborn child.Herein lies the crux of the issue: if the woman were to be treated as a patient, who is suffering from a dreaded and fatal disease, who needs treatment for the disease, and who has human rights as an individual, then it would be infinitely easier to deal with the issue. In other words, if the governments were to respect the woman who is harboring the AIDS virus, and treat her with basic human dignity and respect, it would ensure that her unborn child who is the future citizen of the country, and the future of his family would be better served.When this is taken in light of the fact that women are three times as likely as men to develop HIV/AIDS, and that a woman is physiologically more susceptible than a man to developing the infection through vaginal intercourse, it would seem that according a woman the deference that she deserves would be the best approach to the problem . In certain under developed countries, women have been reported to say that when they were diagnosed with AIDS, they were asked to abort their unborn fetuses, as they supposedly ‘had no right to pass on the infection to their unborn baby’.   In such cases, it is evident that the feelings and the rights of the woman were not considered in any way, and this is by no means uncommon.Although PMTCT Programs have today gained in popularity, and it is being touted across the world as being the one surefire method to control AIDS, these programs do implicate a certain invasion of the privacy and dignity of the woman concerned, especially in countries where the woman is denied the right to give informed consent to HIV/AIDS testing and treatment, probably because of a lack of education, and she is also denied her right to confidentiality. When this is taken in context of the stigma associated with AIDS in several countries, it is obvious that the program must be refined and re stated, if it were to be a success.   (Pregnant woman living with HIV n.d)To conclude, it must be said that although mandatory testing for HIV/AIDS may be an excellent idea and that it would help prevent the transmission of the virus to a woman’s unborn child, the program must be implemented while keeping in mind the human rights, the right to confidentiality, and the basic human rights of the woman suffering form the disease. If this were to be done, then one can look forward to a world in which the awful HIV/AIDS virus would be eliminated, and the world would be a safe place once more.Works citedYovetich, Tasha â€Å"Making it mandatory, should HIV tests be required for pregnant women?† The Canadian Women’s Health Network (1999) 13 December 2007â€Å"The ACLU on HIV testing of pregnant women and newborns† HIV testing of pregnant women and newborns (2001) 13 December 2007â€Å"HIV testing among pregnant women, United States and Canada 1998 to 2001â₠¬  MMWR Weekly (2002) 13 December 2007â€Å"Pregnant woman living with HIV† Reproductive 13 December 2007 (n.d)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The 7 UChicago Essay Prompts How to Write Stellar Responses

The 7 UChicago Essay Prompts How to Write Stellar Responses SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The University of Chicago is famous for its unique essay topics. They’re some of the most creative and off-the-wall essay prompts you’ll see when applying to colleges, and it can sometimes be confusing to know how to tackle them. What should you write about in your UChicago essays? How can you show that you’re intelligent, creative, and worthy of a place at their school?Read on to learn all about the UChicago essays, what the admissions team expects to see in your responses, what topics you should write about, and which topics you should avoid.In this guide we also suggest sample essay ideas for each of the 2018/2019 UChicago supplement essay prompts and analyze past University of Chicago essay samples so you can see what a great UChicago essay looks like. What Are the UChicago Essays? Before you can begin figuring out how you’ll write your UChicago essays, you should know which prompts you’ll be seeing and the rules for each one. You’ll need to write two essays, and the UChicago essay prompts you must answer are commonly referred to as Question 1 and Question 2. Question 1: Why UChicago? The Question 1 prompt is the only UChicago supplement essay that stays the same each year, and it’s also the only prompt that all applicants must answer (for Question 2 you’ll have multiple prompts to choose from). For this question, you’ll need to write an essay that explains why you want to attend the University of Chicago and why you think the school is a good fit for you and your goals.UChicago doesn’t have strict word limits for essays, but they suggest a response of around 250-500 words. The prompt: â€Å"How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.† Want to get into UChicago or your personal top choice college? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Question 2: Extended Essay For Question 2, you have a choice of six essay prompts, and you’ll choose the one you want to respond to. The essay prompts for this question change every year, and while there are always around six prompts, some years there may be one more or one less to choose from. These are the more unique and offbeat essay prompts that UChicago is known for. Many of them were created by UChicago alumni and current students.UChicago recommends this essay be around 650 words. Below are the essay prompts for the 2018/2019 school year. Essay Option 1: In 2015, the city of Melbourne, Australia created a "tree-mail" service, in which all of the trees in the city received an email address so that residents could report any tree-related issues. As an unexpected result, people began to email their favorite trees sweet and occasionally humorous letters. Imagine this has been expanded to any object (tree or otherwise) in the world, and share with us the letter you’d send to your favorite. Essay Option 2: You’re on a voyage in the thirteenth century, sailing across the tempestuous seas. What if, suddenly, you fell off the edge of the Earth? Essay Option 3: The word floccinaucinihilipilification is the act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant or of having no value. It originated in the mid-18th century from the Latin words "floccus," "naucum," "nihilum," and "pilus"- all words meaning â€Å"of little use.† Coin your own word using parts from any language you choose, tell us its meaning, and describe the plausible (if only to you) scenarios in which it would be most appropriately used. Essay Option 4: Lost your keys? Alohomora. Noisy roommate? Quietus. Feel the need to shatter windows for some reason? Finestra. Create your own spell, charm, jinx, or other means for magical mayhem. How is it enacted? Is there an incantation? Does it involve a potion or other magical object? If so, what's in it or what is it? What does it do? Essay Option 5: Imagine you’ve struck a deal with the Dean of Admissions himself, Dean Nondorf. It goes as follows: you’re guaranteed admission to the University of Chicago regardless of any circumstances that arise. This bond is grounded on the condition that you’ll obtain a blank, 8.5 x 11 piece of paper, and draw, write, sketch, shade, stencil, paint etc., anything and everything you want on it; your only limitations will be the boundaries of both sides on the single page. Now the catch†¦ your submission, for the rest of your life, will always be the first thing anyone you meet for the first time will see. Whether it’s at a job interview, a blind date, arrival at your first Humanities class, before you even say, â€Å"hey,† they’ll already have seen your page, and formulated that first impression. Show us your page. What’s on it, and why? If your piece is largely or exclusively visual, please make sure to share a creator's acco mpanying statement of at least 300 words, which we will happily allow to be on its own, separate page. PS: This is a creative thought experiment, and selecting this essay prompt does not guarantee your admission to UChicago. Essay Option 6: In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose your own question or choose one of our past prompts. Be original, creative, thought provoking. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker, visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of the University of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun. The world is your oyster when it comes to answering UChicago essay prompts. How to Answer the University of Chicago Essay Prompts In this section, we explain what UChicago wants to see in your essays, give ideas for topics to write about for each of the essays, and discuss topics you are better off avoiding. Question 1: Why UChicago? For this University of Chicago supplement essay, UChicago wants to know why you want to attend their school, what you hope to get out of attending, and how University of Chicago will help you achieve their goals. Basically, they want to know why you think their school is a better fit for you than all the other schools out there. For more analysis of this essay, check out our in-depth guide to the Why UChicago essay. What Do They Want to See in Your Response? The â€Å"why our school?† is probably the most common essay prompt you’ll see on college applications. Why do schools, including UChicago, ask this question? UChicago wants to first see that you really want to go to their school. Students who love a school are more likely to accept an offer of admission and attend it, and they are more likely to be committed to their studies, participate in extracurriculars, and give back after they graduate. Your passion for UChicago should be shining through in this essay. Next, UChicago wants to see that you’ve done your research on their school and have an idea of what opportunities you want to take advantage of while there. You can do this by mentioning specific things you like about UChicago or that you plan to take advantage of as a student there. Potential things to discuss include professors you admire or are interested in working with, specific classes you want to take, and extracurriculars you want to participate in. Finally, UChicago wants to see that you are a good match for your school. Your essay should explain how you’ll take make the best use of what UChicago offers, how your strengths match the opportunities they provide, and how UChicago will help you reach your goals for the future. Potential Topics to Write About There are many ways you could approach this essay prompt; although since UChicago is best known for its academics (as opposed to killer sports teams, for example), most people will discuss the academic side for at least part of their response. Below is a list of possible topics; most people will discuss one to three topics in their essay. Majors or classes you’re especially interested in UChicago’s core curriculum Professors whose work you admire and whom you’d like to study with or conduct research with Unique events like Scav and Kuviasungnerk/Kangeiko Research opportunities you’d like to have University of Chicago students you’ve met who you admire Volunteer opportunities Financial aid opportunities UChicago offers that make it possible for you to attend Topics to Avoid The key here is to avoid generic topics that could apply to practically any school or any student. You want it to be clear in your response what opportunities the University of Chicago offers you that no other school does and how you’re going to make use of them. Topics that won’t show this include discussing: How pretty the campus is Chicago weather The food on campus Where UChicago places on college ranking lists Discussing your future major and career path without connecting it back to what UChicago offers Bashing other schools Question 2: Extended Essay The extended essay is when you can get especially creative. This question requires you to move outside your comfort zone of typical essay topics and answer one of the prompts in a way that gives readers insight into who you are and what you care about. What Do They Want to See in Your Response? Your response Question 1 is meant to show what about UChicago you liked and how you were going to make the most of the opportunities it offered. Question 2 is less about UChicago and more about you. The admissions team wants to see who you are and what’s important to you. Three main things they’d like to see in your response to this essay are: Your story Your personality Your thirst for knowledge Who are you? What have been the important events in your life? What kind of person are you? What do you love learning about? These are the questions UChicago wants you to answer. They want to know what’s important to you, what events from your past helped shaped you, what kind of person you are now, and what you want to accomplish in the future. UChicago is particularly interested in students who love learning and have a lot of interests in different fields and topics. A mathematician who also does ballet? A creative writing major who started her own business? Bring it on! Make sure to show your love for learning in your essay. Your passions and goals don’t always need to be lofty though; in the second example essay below you can see how the writer took a quirky interest and managed to connect it to larger ideas. If you can connect one of your pet passions to an essay, do so! Potential Topics to Write About The great thing about these UChicago essay prompts is you can write about almost anything you want to since they’re so different from each other and give you lots of chances to be creative. Just remember, you want this essay to give UChicago a good idea of the type of person you are and what’s important to you. Topic 1 This is a pretty broad topic,and as long as you can connect an object to your interests and/or future goals, you can answer this prompt. You could write a letter thanking your business suit for getting you a dream job/internship, a letter to your favorite book and explain how it made you decide you wanted to become an author, or a letter to your piano, which you hated practicing on when you were a kid, but eventually helped you develop your passion for music. For this prompt, make sure to explain why the object is so important to you, and give details and specific instances of when you used it to make your response more unique. Topic 2 This is perhaps the most out there of the topics, and you could really go anywhere with it. Maybe you discover a new world that’s better or worse than ours in a certain way and you use that topic to discuss particular values of yours. Perhaps you have a fear of heights, and falling off the edge of the Earth causes you to remember another instance when you had to face and conquer a fear. Go anywhere this takes you, just remember to connect it back to you and what you find important. Topic 3 Another one of the creative UChicago prompts, a good way to brainstorm for this one is to think of a thing/feeling/situation that you wished a word existed for. The feeling when you’ve checked everything off your to-do list and can now relax? A new word to describe a dream you had that you can’t quite remember but made you feel a certain way when you woke up? Get as specific and creative as you can here. As to which language to use, any one that you have a connection to will work. It could be a language you’re studying, one that’s spoken in a place you want to travel to, the language your ancestors spoke, etc. Topic 4 A good way to tackle this one is to invent a spell to solve a problem you have. It could be a problem that affects primarily you (such as a spell to keep your little siblings from distracting you, or a spell that eliminates the need to sleep for a night so you have time for both your football practices and watercolor painting hobby) or a bigger problem (a spell to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to reduce the effects of climate change). Think of problems you want to fix, and use your essay to come up with a spell to solve one of them. Remember to explain why this problem affects you and how eliminating it would help you/others. Topic 5 This is a great option for more visual people who feel writing isn’t always the best way to get their personality across. For this prompt, you have the chance to explain an important aspect of your personality or history, something you care about, or a way you think you're misunderstood. For example, you’re religious but feel people often misunderstand your religion, your page could be an FAQ where you answer common misconceptions about your religion. If you’re an artist, you can use the paper to show your favorite piece of art you’ve created, then explain what the art means and why it’s important to you. If you’re a ballerina, on one side of your page could be a ballet award you won, and the other side could be a picture of your bruised and bandaged feet to show the hard work you went through to accomplish your goals. Topic 6 If none of the other prompts speak to you, you can always come up with your own and answer it. This is a good option if you have something specific in mind you want to write about but the topic doesn’t fit any of the prompts. When I applied to UChicago, I really wanted to write about a summer I spent on an archaeological team since it was important to me and I felt it showcased my strengths. None of the prompts that year fit, so I made up my own. Topics to Avoid UChicago wants you to be creative here, so there aren’t many topics that are off limits. However, you’re trying to convince them that you’d be a great an interesting student to add to their school, so make sure you use your essay to show who you are and why UChicago would want to admit you. This means you should avoid responses that don’t give readers a good idea of who you are. (For example, if you choose essay option 5, don’t just state that you’d create a spell that blocked out all nearby sound. You’d want to tie it back to yourself and your life by explaining the reasoning. For example, maybe you have a grandparent living with you, and you want them to be able to relax in peace.) Because these prompts are creative, it can be easy to run away with them, but always remember to answer the prompt completely and give UChicago better insight into who you are. Additionally, don’t feel that certain University of Chicago essay prompts are â€Å"better† or more impressive than others. UChicago wouldn’t have chosen these essay topics if they didn’t think applicants could write outstanding responses to them, so please choose the prompt that you can feel you can write the best essay for. University of Chicago Essay Examples In this section are two University of Chicago essay examples, each written by an accepted applicant. Below each UChicago supplement essay we discuss what makes the essay work so well. Question 1 Dear University of Chicago, It fills me up with that gooey sap you feel late at night when I think about things that are really special to me about you. Sometimes I just hunger for more, but I keep that a secret. The mail you send is such a tease; I like to imagine additional words on the page. Words like "you're accepted" or "you're awesome!" or "don't worry, she still loves you!" but I know they're all lies. You never called after that one time, I visited you thrice, but you never come around anymore. Tell me, was I just one in a line of many? Was I just another supple "applicant" to you, looking for a place to live, looking for someone to teach me the ways of the world? The closeness between us was beautiful, it couldn't have been just me that felt it, I know you felt it too. The intimacy was akin to that of scholar and original text, your depth as a person is astounding! To be honest, I must confess I had already dreamt of a rosy future together, one filled with late nights and long discussions over the Got hic era and the ethical stage of Kierkegaard, we would watch the sunset together and spend every Christmas snuggled in blankets. Eventually we would get older, I would become a well-educated corporate lawyer and you would enrich yourself within the domain of human knowledge. Your cup overfloweth with academic genius, pour a little on me. You're legendary for it, they all told me it would never work out between us, but I had hope. I had so much hope; I replied to your adorable letters and put up with your puns. I knew going into it that you would be an expensive one to keep around, I accounted for all that; I understand someone of your caliber and taste. And now you inquire as to my wishes? They're simple, accept me for who I am! Why can't you just love and not ask why? Not ask about my assets or my past? I'm living in the now, I'm waiting for you to catch up, but you're too caught up in my past, I offer us a future together, not a past to dwell upon. Whenever I'm around you, I just get that tingle deep inside me that tells me you're the one; you have that air of brilliance and ingenuity that I crave in a person, you're so mature and sophisticated, originality is really your strongest and most admirable trait. I wish we could be together, I still think in my heart of hearts we were meant to be, but you have to meet me halfway, dear. I'm on one knee here with tears welling up in my eyes, the fireworks are timed and ready to light up the night sky for you, just say 'I' Always, Rohan Why Does This Essay Work? Creative take on a standard prompt: The writer chose a very unique angle for this essay: comparing the University of Chicago to a lover. He’s probably the first applicant to answer the essay prompt this way, which definitely makes this a memorable essay. In fact, UChicago loved this essay so much that they mailed it out to thousands of potential applicants (which actually got them a bit of backlash). You absolutely don’t have to take as unique an approach to this essay as the above writer did, but doing so can definitely help your essay stand out. It answers the entire prompt: Even though this is an unusual essay, the writer still manages to answer everything the prompts asks for. He mentions his goal for the future (to become a lawyer), mentions varied interests he has (the Gothic era, the philosopher Kierkegaard), and explains what he likes about UChicago (the brilliance, ingenuity, and originality the school offers). He even manages to mention that he visited campus three times, which shows a serious interest in the school. If you choose to write an especially offbeat essay, it’s key to do what this essay did and still answer the prompt while being creative. Question 2 This essay is from several years ago, so it doesn't use a current prompt, but it's still helpful to read and analyze. Here 's the prompt:Share with us a few of your favorite books, poems, authors, films, plays, pieces of music, musicians, performers, paintings, artists, blogs, magazines, or newspapers. Feel free to touch on one, some, or all of the categories listed, or add a category of your own. The Illuminati changed my life. Three years ago, I found my first ambigram in one of my favorite novels, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. I turned the page, and there it was: the word â€Å"Illuminati† printed into the exact center of the book. It was styled like a newspaper masthead, exquisite and complex, yet oddly symmetric. Curious, I rotated the book upside-down. Impossibly, the inverted word was still â€Å"Illuminati.† Gazing closer, I realized that the letters, I-L-L-U-M, actually shaped into a flipped I-N-A-T-I. Suddenly, I was reading it in both directions. My eyes waltzed along the broad curves and sharp twists of the calligraphy, striking poses in a glamorous font against a sheet of creamy whiteness, sliding between the dense vertical strokes, peering at the edge of the defined serif as it angled away, then bent boldly toward me. Every line was deliberate, every flourish smiling with purpose, and the whole word balanced on the delicate cord that joined two letters into one. It was unforgettable. Ambigrams are words that can be read from different directions. Actually, â€Å"ambigram† is an umbrella term that encompasses dozens of distinct types of visual wordplay. The most popular ones are rotational, mirror image, and-my personal favorites-symbiotic ambigrams, which can spell two different things when viewed normally and upside-down. Compelled by the striking art, I could not help but try my own hand at designing ambigrams, and slowly I felt the pitiful stick-figure artist inside me shrink away as my inner energetic graphic designer sprang up. Before early volleyball tournaments, I work myself up by filling up pages and pages of experimental letter combinations, gleefully satisfied at the way that a rounded lowercase â€Å"a† was a perfect upside-down lowercase â€Å"e.† In my AP Literature class, I drew â€Å"She’s a witch!† which revealed, when flipped, â€Å"Communist† to reflect Arthur Miller’s contemporary motives for writing The Crucible. On a challenge from a friend, I even drew an ambigram of â€Å"Jay-Z† and â€Å"Beyonce† on a bumpy bus ride back from a leadership retreat. In the last few months, I have also practiced drawing ambigrams as fast as I can. I dream about the day when I can effortlessly write out a message saying â€Å"Hi, how are you today?† normally and â€Å"The password is cherry268† upside-down, without pausing or rotating the paper. I imagine a world in which everyone had this ability, and could literally write two things at once. How would that change communication? Encryption? Trust? My legs swing comfortably from this innovative edge, excited to take a stab at the answers. The best part about the ambigram is that it refuses to define itself as just one thing. It is a linguistic passion, a cryptographic endeavor, an artistic design, and an ironic illusion. I relish the fact that ambigrams force both the artist and the audience to reject first glances and embrace secret identities. This may just be a nerdy obsession, but ambigrams have taught me far more than how to sketch fancy words. Their multidimensional truth implies that my hobbies of both writing Italian sonnets and solving logical riddles are not opposing functions of my left and right brains, but rather, a perfect conglomeration of my passion for creating and solving puzzles. The beauty of the most surprising combinations reminds me to take bold risks in both my life and my designs. Above all else, ambigrams have taught me that I can create the impossible. I can make true and false the same word depending on something as simple as a 180-degree head turn. Victory can be defeat. Open can be closed. Am amateur piano player with an obsession for cryptology can learn how to program iPhone apps and get the game-winning kill at the varsity volleyball championship. A girl with divorced parents can make time for both families, and an inspired teenager from California can write her name into world historyboth normally and upside-down. -Samantha M. Why This Essay Works Shows passion: This essay focuses a pretty unusual and specific topic: ambigrams. While many people may not even know what an ambigram is, the writer is clearly passionate about them. She discusses how much time she spends trying to create different ambigrams, what her goals for ambigram creating are, and some of her favorite ambigrams she’s created. UChicago loves people who are passionate about something, even it’s an unusual or offbeat interest. It makes UChicago believe those students will bring that passion with them onto campus. Gives insight into the writer’s personality: The majority of this essay is about the author’s interest in ambigrams, but she also manages to cleverly slip in multiple other references to her personality and interests. From her essay, we learn that she’s a volleyball player, writes Italian sonnets, and loves solving puzzles. Adding these details gives UChicago a fuller look at what makes her tick. Connects it to a bigger picture: The writer chose to write about a very specific topic: ambigrams, but was still able to connect that to bigger concepts, such communication, truth, and how she’s able to balance her different interests. She’s able to take a quirky topic and show how it influences her worldview. Final Advice: UChicago Essays When answering the University of Chicago essay prompts, keep in mind that the main reason UChicago is reading these essays is to find out who you are as a person and if you’d be a good fit at their school. The University of Chicago wants students who are passionate about learning, creative, are excited to make the most of their time on campus, and have big dreams for themselves, and the UChicago supplement questions are designed to help you show these sides of yourself to the school. For the â€Å"Why UChicago?† prompt, you’ll want to show the school why you want to go there, why you think you’re a good fit for the school, and how UChicago will help you achieve your goals during college and beyond. For the Extended Essay, you can (and should) be more creative. These UChicago essays are more â€Å"out there,† and in your response, you should show your personality and passion for learning. For both University of Chicago essays , remember to show who you are and what you’re passionate about, include details about yourself and the school to help you stand out from other essays, and mention your plans and goals for the future. What's Next? If you want a more in-depth look how to write about Question 1, check out our guide to the Why UChicago Essay, which includes an additional sample essay along with analysis of how to answer this prompt. Are youworking on the Common App essay? Read our breakdown of the Common App prompts and our guide to picking the best prompt for you. If you're planning to take the SAT or ACT one last time, try out some of our famous test prep guides, like "How to Get a Perfect Score on the SAT" and "15 Key ACT Test Day Tips." Want to write the perfect college application essay? Get professional help from PrepScholar. Your dedicated PrepScholar Admissions counselor will craft your perfect college essay, from the ground up. We'll learn your background and interests, brainstorm essay topics, and walk you through the essay drafting process, step-by-step. At the end, you'll have a unique essay that you'll proudly submit to your top choice colleges. Don't leave your college application to chance. Find out more about PrepScholar Admissions now:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Your APA Reference Page Will Be a Disaster If You Dont Follow These 11 Rules

Your APA Reference Page Will Be a Disaster If You Dont Follow These 11 Rules If you are in a university program focusing on the social sciences, it is likely youll become very well acquainted with APA (American Psychological Association) style. APA is a specific guideline for formatting your research writing, including everything from the font to use to how to create a reference page of your sources. For an overview of the style, as a whole, check out this video.This style is most often used in fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology and education, so if youre in (or plan to be in) one of these areas of study and research, youll eventually need to learn APA style- or at least, need to learn where to find information about it. To help you do that, here are 11 rules that will help keep your APA reference page from being a disaster.APA is an academic writing style most often used in fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology and education. Photo by Tookapic on Pexels.Rule #1: Put your references at the end of your paper but before your appendi xPart of the reason different fields use consistent styles is to make sure researchers know where to look in a paper to find the information they need. If someone wants to know a source for a quote, figure, statistic, or finding youve used as evidence, they can always remember that the reference page- otherwise known as your list of sources- can be found at the end of the paper (but before the appendix).Rule #2: Start your reference list at the top of a new page, with References centeredYou can always tell a fresh-out-of-high-school college student by the various ways he or she will format the reference page of a research paper. Some will put REFERENCES in all caps, bold it, italicize it, put it in quotation marks or underline it- but all of them will be wrong in doing so.The correct way to being your reference list in an APA paper is to place the References heading at the top center of a new page, without any other font styles added. You can go to this link to see an example of thi s if youre still unsure of what to do.Rule #3: Be sure that each source used is includedA common mistake made by research writers, newbie and experienced alike, is to mention a fact taken from a source- even cite it in the text- but then forget to include the full citation for that source in the reference page section of an APA paper.Theres a way to avoid this but it requires a bit of forethought and planning on your end. First, as you write the paper, be sure to include the in-text citation for each quote, statistic, figure, finding, or reference to a study that you use. As soon as you do that, include it on a master sheet of references. This master sheet, which can be handwritten, will then be alphabetized, organized, and formatted to become your official APA reference page.Rule #4: Double-space your reference list with a hanging indent on the second and subsequent lines of each entryThis rule is a hard rule to remember- mostly because when you see a citation at the back of a text book or footnote of an article, its typically single spaced. However, APA format requires that the entire paper be double-spaced, including the references list.The hanging indent part takes a little practice. If youre a whiz on Microsoft Word, you can adjust the style and Word will automatically create the hanging indents for you on each reference entry.Rule #5: Invert all authors names and include their full last name plus first name initialOn your reference list, youll alphabetize all sources based on the name of the author(s) who published them. In order to do this easily, you should invert all authors names to list their last name first, then the initial of their first name and middle name (if known).Example:Montcastle, V. B. (1997, April). The columnar organization of the neocortex. Brain Journal, 120, 701-722.This particular example is for citing a journal article and follows the following format:Author, A. A., Author B. B., Author C. C. (1994, January). Title of article. Tit le of Magazine, volume number(issue number), xxx-xxx.Rule #6: If there are more than seven authors, list the first six then use ellipses before listing the last authors nameSome studies are conducted and published by more than seven authors. While these studies might be rare, you will likely run into one at some point in your academic writing experience. APA has a specific format for citing such a study- list the first six in standard format (last name, A.A.) then the final author following the sixth one and separated by ellipses. If youre citing a journal article, your citation will look like this:Miller, F. H., Choi, M. J., Angeli, L. L., Harland, A. A., Stamos, J. A., Thomas, S. T., . . . Rubin, L. H. (2009). Web site usability for the blind and low-vision user. Technical Communication, 57, 323-335.Rule #7: Alphabetize by the last name of the first author of each entry and chronologically if the same authorIn cases where you have multiple authors, always use the name that is firs t listed on the study as the first author, and therefore, the name youll eventually alphabetize in your reference list when completed. Follow that authors name with the other authors in the order they are listed- not in alphabetical order within the citation.In cases where you have multiple citations for the same author, as in several books and/or articles written by the same person, list the citations in chronological order- from the earliest to the most recent.Example:Berndt, T. J. (1981).Berndt, T. J. (1999).However, it gets a little more complicated if youre citing an author who has published on their own as well as with other authors. In these cases, always put the citation for the solo work first (regardless of chronology), then the collaboration next.Example:Berndt, T. J. (1999). Friends influence on students adjustment to school. Educational Psychologist, 34, 15-28.Berndt, T. J., Keefe, K. (1995). Friends influence on adolescents adjustment to school. Child Development, 66, 1312-1329.If an author is listed as the first author on several studies with other authors, list the citations based on alphabetizing the second author.Example:Wegener, D. T., Kerr, N. L., Fleming, M. A., Petty, R. E. (2000). Flexible corrections of juror judgments: Implications for jury instructions. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 6, 629-654.Wegener, D. T., Petty, R. E., Klein, D. J. (1994). Effects of mood on high elaboration attitude change: The mediating role of likelihood judgments. European Journal of Social Psychology, 24, 25-43.Aphabetizing citations with multiple authors can be one of the most tricky parts of writing an APA reference list. Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.Rule #8: Dont abbreviate the journal title or use the ampersand, and maintain its capitalizationWhile some formatting styles allow both of these, APA does not. When writing out the journal citation in your reference list, write the whole journal name (without abbreviation) and dont use an ampersand () to replace and unless the journal itself prints it that way. Also maintain the capitalization for the Journal in title case.Example:Journal of Education and CurriculumRule #9: Capitalize the first word and the first word following a colon or dash, as well as proper nouns in books, chapters, articles, dissertations, speeches or webpagesCapitalization rules in APA follow a standard format that applies to most writing. You need to capitalize the first word of the sentence, as well as the first word that follows a colon or dash. Youll also need to capitalize all proper nouns. Note that the title of a book or article should not be in title case, only the journal name should be.Rule #10: Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journalsAs with most writing, youll need to italicize titles of books and journals (the name of the journal, not the article). Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the title of the article.Rule #11: Use the manual or OWL at Purdue for specific rules relating to entries based on type of sourceThe Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University is one of the most accessible and thorough APA resources available online. In fact, most of the examples I used throughout this article were taken from that website.The site is organized (in the left-hand column) by APA general format, in-text citations, footnotes/endnotes, reference list, stylistics, headings, tables and figures, and FAQs. It also provides sample papers written in APA format to allow you to see the style rules applied to writing. On the sample papers page, it even offers an automatic generator where you can plug in information about your source and the website will make the APA citation for you.Since there are so many rules related to citing and organizing an APA paper, and some complicated ones (multiple works by the same author, were looking at you!) youre likely not going to memorize every detail of the style- even if you write in it often. Thats why knowing where to go for a solid source online is helpful. I have the OWL site saved in my laptops bookmarks to access easily whenever I need to look up a formatting rule.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Work and education experience Personal Statement

Work and education experience - Personal Statement Example The skills learned in this office helped to shape my new mind toward business. As a sales assistant I was able to work and interact with many different varieties of people with different beliefs and personal values. There is much discussion today about how to manage people successfully with diversity being a regular theme. In a sales assistant position, the salesperson needs to understand how to work with clients of many backgrounds and understand some of the psychology about how they speak and act. Many of the trainings given as the sales assistant included customer service values and how to handle complicated customer situations with professionalism and respect. I believe these customer service and diversity values are some of the most important parts of business experience which makes for a better company leader. Education includes Mayflower Junior School in Nigeria from September 1988 to June 1993 with what is referred to in that area as a first leaving certificate. This certificate acts as proof of successful completion of the early program. Olivet Baptist School was the secondary school which I attended from September 1993 to June 1998. After completing the traditional schooling, I then studied at Cumprint Computer College in 2000. Here I learned many technologies and software packages and how to manage data using spreadsheets and other programs like Microsoft Powerpoint. These skills have been very important because they give me better tools for managing business and keeping track of important customer information. The Carlton Institute of Beauty is my final education experience which is liked to my long-term goals and business ambitions. Here I learn the many skills necessary to provide good customer service and also the tools for making the world a more beautiful place. STUDY SKILLS TECHNIQUES I discovered that beauty is the area of business which most interests me out of many other possible decisions I could have made regarding my education. Because of this I am always focused on the speaker in the lecture room and dedicated to learning. I also would believe that the lecturer would be very motivated to give a great lecture if they know that the students are interested. There is a kind of dual respect in the classroom which is necessary, so I think that respect and attention is one great study skill. I have even made flash cards for myself in areas where my knowledge is weakest. I try to understand which topics are most difficult for me to remember and then figure out interesting ways to link a concept. I think the key is to understand personal weaknesses in studying and then come up with a new and interesting way to make learning easier. Taking notes is also a technique that I use because it helps me to log information as it is learned in real time. If there is something that I believe will be of the highest importance for a future exam or test, I make sure to write it down. Afterward, I look over the information and try to remember why I found it important enough to write down. This keeps me always in focus and always thinking about classroom information so that I am not distracted to other situations. I think taking notes for me is about self-discipline. ACADEMIC SKILLS PROFILE My reading and writing have improved greatly. Using the skills that I learned at the Cumprint Computer College, I am able to

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Why was the 14th century so disastrous Research Paper

Why was the 14th century so disastrous - Research Paper Example Even with its glory of production of gold and silver, during the 14th century, production reduced and the flourishing state was in a devastating state. Nevertheless, Europe was in the era of medieval industrial revolution. The mediaeval era can be referred to as the time of inventions, innovations in managing traditional means of production and economic growth. The mediaeval people referred to this period as the Great Pestilence or the Great Plague. There are three calamities that Europe suffered namely hunger, war and plague. The 14th Century was a period of anxiety, declined expectations and lost expectations. During the century, Europe experienced two great natural disasters; the little ice age and the Black Death. There were two ice age’s; the first one occurred from 1200 to1600 and the one from 1700 to 1800 (University of Wisconsin, During the first or mini ice age, the Baltic Sea froze to a level that had never been recorded or witnessed, while the Alpine glaciers developed. Combs points out that â€Å"crops failed due to cold temperatures and incessant rain† (168). The result of this was desperate and starved people, who went to the extent of eating one another to stay alive. It can be said that the situation in Europe was unstable. This is because the change in climate caused a lot of changes, especially in food production, as crops failed (Bray 59). During this period, warm and intense amount of cold and wet periods were experienced in Europe. Northern Europe lost much of its wheat and the highlands of Europe produced greatly reduced crops. The feudal system was under different forms of attacks. The famine had destabilized the land-tenure system and led to the increased movement of the peasantry. Banks closed down and others collapsed. War begun to devastate France and impoverish England, while the civil war was tearing Italy apart. The population had remained steady as the food decreased, hence leading to the classical